The Indo-UK entrepreneurial workshop is being organised under the aegis of the Newton-Bhabha LIGO India agreement between UK and India. The agreement is focussed on improving capacity and resources in India for building the third LIGO detector. It also encourages entrepreneurial activity through exploration of technological spin-offs from applied aspects of gravitational wave research. And in addition to these, the agreement supports the improvement of India’s capacity in the teaching of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) through public outreach and school-focused training activities.
A number of industries are being invited to this event so that we may introduce them to LIGO-India and the technological challenges that lie ahead in building this extraordinary observatory. In turn, the industries will have an opportunity to showcase their products and services so that we may learn of their capabilities.
Venue: IUCAA, Pune
Dates: Jan 18-19, 2019
Relevant Web Links:
- Newton-Bhabha project on LIGO -
- LIGO Technology -

Contact: <LI_events AT iucaa DOT in>
The India-UK entrepreneurial meeting is supported by the Newton-Bhabha grant.