- The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration released the catalog of events and papers estimating their rates detected in the first (O1) & second (O2) observation run.
Credit: Visualization: LIGO/Frank Elavsky/Northwestern | Non-LIGO Data Sources: Neutron Stars: http://xtreme.as.arizona.edu/NeutronStars/data/pulsar_masses.dat Black Holes: https://stellarcollapse.org/sites/default/files/table.pdf | LIGO-Virgo Data: https://www.gw-openscience.org/events/ - The beginning of Gravitational Wave Multi-messenger Astronomy
First GW detection from a neutron star merger; Concurrent detection by electromagnetic telescopes [Image Credit: CESSI, IISER Kolkata] - Gravitational Waves Detected
LIGO Opens New Window on the Universe with Observation of Gravitational Waves from Colliding Black Holes. IUCAA physicists make fundamental contributions in the discovery. [Image Credit: The SXS (Simulating eXtreme Spacetimes) Project] - What are GW?
Find out more about 'the messengers of Einstein' - Gravitational Waves - propagating disturbances in the curvature of space-time caused by the motions of matter... [Image Credit: R. Hurt/Caltech-JPL]
This is the website of the Gravitational Wave Research Group at The Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune, India. Here you will find descriptions of a variety of research and outreach activities pursued by a dozen or so researchers, which include students, postdocs, and faculty.
:: Synopsis of Gravitational Wave Research ::
Gravitational waves will not only allow us to test the predictions of General Relativity in regions of strong gravity, but will also serve as a tool to expand our understanding of the Universe. Direct observations of gravitational waves are being pursued by an international network of advanced (second generation) laser interferometric detectors. Presently a significant amount of effort is being devoted by this research community in developing algorithms and data analysis pipelines to efficiently search for gravitational wave signals in noisy data. Compact binary coalescences are interesting as sources of gravitational waves because their rates are expected to be favorable and their phases can be modeled to a very high accuracy, so that matched filtering can be used to search for them.
Gravitational waves, however, can probe a much wider range of known and (so far) unknown sources, where the phase evolution in most of cases is unmodeled or ill-modeled. A Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background (SGWB) is one of such source, which can be created by overlapping GW signals from unresolved astrophysical sources in the nearby anisotropic universe. A weaker isotropic SGWB is also expected from GWs produced in the early universe. Gravitational wave researchers in IUCAA work on astrophysical and cosmological aspects of both types of sources and on devising methods for detecting them.
The Newton-Bhabha & the Open Data Workshop 4-6 Dec 2019, IUCAA

Scientific Program Info on Hands-on Tutorial Visitor & Travel Information Visa and Accommodation Information Places in… Read more
Multiple positions available at IUCAA for activities related to LIGO-India Apply Soon
Multiple positions available at IUCAA for LIGO-India,Pune, India (February 2020) Scientific & Technical Officer – E… Read more
Latest News
![The beginning of Gravitational Wave Multi-messenger Astronomy
First GW detection from a neutron star merger; Concurrent detection by electromagnetic telescopes [Image Credit: CESSI, IISER Kolkata]](https://www.gw.iucaa.in/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/BNS_CESSI.jpg)
First detection of gravitational-waves from colliding neutron stars
Concurrent observation of electromagnetic emission launches gravitational-wave multi-messenger astronomy. August 17, 2017 saw a major… Read more

VIRGO joins LIGO for the Observation Run 2
Today, Tuesday August 1st 2017, the VIRGO detector located at the European Gravitational Observatory (EGO) in… Read more

Professor Predhiman Kaw 1948 - 2017
Professor Predhiman Kaw was critically instrumental for LIGOIndia to happen. He was the first eminent scientist… Read more