Events & Milestones

The immense promise of LIGO-India in enabling localisation of gravitational-wave events in the sky and launching gravitational-wave astronomy. The grey banana- shaped patch spanning 2,500 moons is the current uncertainty of the localisation of the first discovery event. The small dark ellipse that is 100 times smaller shows the forecast uncertainty for a similar gravitational-wave signal when LIGO-India is operational

Doyen of Indian Gravitational wave research delivers a Public lecture Nehru Science Centre, Mumbai, this evening . Sanjeev Dhurandhar has nurtured and led the Indian Gravitational waves (GW) research from IUCAA for over 3 decades.

Fred Raab, Head LIGO Hanford and Tarun Souradeep, IUCAA met with the hon'ble ViceChancellor, Prof. Pandit Vidyasagar

Fred Raab, Head LIGO Hanford, and Somak Raychaudhury, Director, IUCAA, in a discussion with students after Fred's Wednesday Colloquium at Presidency University, Kolkata

LIGO-India site search involved weeks long seismic survey measurements at potential sites to ensure that the natural and man-made ground vibrations were within tolerable limits.